Become a Member

Only members of the Aalto University Student Union (AYY) can become full members of Prosessiteekkarit ry. Those who cannot be accepted as full members can be accepted as external members. The membership fee is 9€ for year 2024 and it is valid for one year. The membership fee is paid in, for which you need a username.

In addition, any person or legal entity interested in the activities of the association can become a supporting member. The amount of the membership fee for supporting members is decided by Board of Prosessiteekkarit ry separately. If you wish to support our activities, you can become a supporting member via the or by contacting Board of the association via email hallitus(at)

Board of the association will handle and approve new membership applications at its meeting as soon as possible after the application has been submitted. Membership approval is not announced separately, and the applicant will only be contacted if the application cannot be approved for some reason.

After sending your membership application you can join the association’s English member email list and Facebook group. There is a separate email list for older students and alumni which you can join here. These channels are used to inform members of upcoming events and other relevant subjects. The email address that you have submitted will primarily be added to the members email list but if you want to remove yourself from said list please be in contact with our spokesperson-secretary (tiedottajasihteeri(at)

For members, it is possible to purchase a membership pin (presented below) that can be used at annual balls, fancier sitsit and at company events. The price of the pin is 12€, and it can be bought from pHuone from board members or by being in contact with either Chair of the Board (puheenjohtaja(at) or Treasurer (rahastonhoitaja(at)

PT:n jäsenpinssi

Transfer of the membership register

The membership register of Prosessiteekkarit ry was transferred to the service 2nd of August 2023.

The membership fee is valid until the end of the autumn semester 2023 for those who have paid the membership fee between 1.1.–31.5.2023. The membership fee is valid until the end of the spring semester 2024 for those who have paid the membership fee between 1.6.–31.7.2023. In both cases, the data will be transferred from the old membership register to the new one. Please, contact the administrator of the register via an e-mail (rahastonhoitaja(at) telling your e-mail address used as your username so that your membership data can be transferred. You can contact the administrator also for any problems you might have.