

The board of the Association of Process Engineering Students plans and executes most of the operative work behind the association. The board consists of 11 members, who work closely with the committees they lead as well as with the board. Besides their specific responsibilities in the board, the members of the board take care of and are responsible for:

  • taking part in the weekly board meetings
  • taking part in the association’s meetings
  • working at events, where the board is representing the association
  • working at other events, which the board hosts for the association’s members
  • representing the association in AYY’s committees


Chair of the Board

  • Follows, guides and develops the activities of the association, board and officials.
  • Chairs the association’s and board’s meetings.
  • Acts as a connection between the association and the school alongside the head of study affairs.
  • Upkeeps the association’s relations to AYY’s other special status associations and Finland’s other subject associations alongside the head of internal and external affairs.
  • Represents the association in AYY’s Neuvosto.

Head of Internal and External Affairs

  • Leads the Care Committee, which is responsible for alumni activities, archiving, sports and culture activities, LAN parties and the upkeep of the association room among other tasks.
  • Is responsible for connections with sister-guilds in other universities.
  • Represents the association in AYY’s Teekkari Culture Committee (TKTMK).


  • Works as the secretary in the board and association meetings and adds the accepted minutes to the association’s website and archives them.
  • Writes and sends the weekly newsletter to the members of the association by email.
  • Updates the association’s email lists and takes care of their settings.
  • Administrates and develops the association’s social media channels (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Telegram).
  • Leads the Information Committee, which is responsible for the association’s magazine ProTeesi, photographs, the graphic look of the association, the website of the association and translations.
  • Represents the association in AYY’s Information Committee (VTMK).


  • Responsible for the association’s accounting and does the financial statement.
  • Presents and gets an approval for the association’s bills in board meetings.
  • Upholds the association’s membership registry.
  • Leads the Economic Committee, which includes the appliance responsible, association merch responsibles and members of the Economic Committee.
  • Represents the association in AYY’s Financial Committee.

Fuksi Captains

  • Are responsible for the association’s fuksi upbringing, which includes introduction to teekkari culture, the association and the beginning of student life. 
  • Are responsible for both Finnish and English bachelor fuksis.
  • Organize fuksi events alongside other volunteers.
  • Inform the fuksis about everything concerning them.
  • Create the fuksi guide and the fuksi point card.
  • Organize ISO activity alongside the ISO officer.
  • Are active members of the board during their official board year and are actively present during the following spring.
  • Represent the association in AYY’s Fuksi Committee (FTMK).

Head of International and Masters’ Affairs

  • Is responsible for every incoming exchange and masters’ student arriving to Aalto to the School of Chemical Engineering, together with the international officers of CHEM guilds.
  • Organizes events throughout the year and familiarizes new students to teekkari culture. 
  • Supervises and guides every new student’s progress of getting the teekkari cap.
  • Works in the board for the elected year, and stays active behind the scenes after that during the spring until possible Wappu (1 + 0,5 years).
  • Promotes the association’s goal to become more international and helps all students get into the activities of the association regardless of their native language.
  • Represents the association in AYY’s International Committee (KvTMK).

Host & Hostess

  • Take care of general arrangements and plans for events.
  • Plans include booking facilities, promoting events, calculating food amounts and everything that you can do before the day of the event.
  • General arrangements include going to wholesale and stores, decorating, transfering items, cooking and final clean up of the setting.
  • Lead the Event Committee, which is the association’s largest committee and includes a wide variety of different official tasks.
  • Are part of organizing the association’s annual ball Lämmönsiirto.
  • Represents the association in AYY’s Hosts and Hostesses (IE).

Head of Study Affairs

  • Works as a link between the university and the students.
  • Guards members’ interests (e.g. study and course feedback) and informs about study related matters.
  • Works as a student representative (halloped) in various committees in the School of Chemical Engineering.
  • Responsible for the association’s abi-marketing together with abi responsibles.
  • Helps the School of Chemical Engineering with abi-marketing.
  • Responsible for the associations websites Studies-section.
  • Represents the association in AYY’s Study Council (OPN).

Head of Corporate Relations

  • Creates, upkeeps and develops the association’s corporate relations.
  • Gets corporate affiliates for the association.
  • Takes care of ordering the overalls.
  • Organizes the homeland excursion Faasimuutos and other corporate events (excursions).
  • Represents the association in AYY’s Corporate Relations Committee (YTMK).


Most of the officials’ tasks are suitable for fuksis, but for some tasks prior experience related to the task is needed. These tasks are marked with a star (*).

Care committee

Alumni Responsible *

  • Maintains the alumni activities for the association and organizes events meant for alumni.


  • Takes care of the association’s archive material and keeps in touch with the Aalto University Student Union’s archive.

Culture and Well-being Responsible

  • Organizes relaxed events improving the general well-being.
  • Promotes the cultural activities of the association and encourages members for example to music and art.

Sports Responsible

  • Is responsible for the association’s sport events and sport try outs while encouraging members to participate in sports.

Shift Supervisor *

  • Is in charge of Process Operators and coordinates the maintenance of the association room, pHuone.

Process Operator

  • Takes care of the association room, pHuone, and its matters with the Shift Supervisor.

Game Master

  • Is responsible for organizing different gaming events.


  • Arranges small trips and hikes.

Jerk *

  • Does the official complaining for the association and gives feedback and ideas for improvements for the board.
Information committee

SomeParty Tycoon

  • Is responsible for the social media accounts.
  • Leads the influencers and coordinates social media content production.


  • Brainstorms, designs and produces content for social media accounts.

Artistic Leader *

  • Leads the artists and coordinates their projects.


  • Uses creativity to execute the association’s graphic look.
  • Examples of possible projects: marketing materials for the association, overall badges, different kinds of leaflets, different versions of the logo of the association.

Editor-in-Chief *

  • Is responsible for editing the association’s magazine ProTeesi and its layout.
  • Represents the association in AYY’s committee for editors-in-chief (PääTMK).

Foreign Correspondent

  • Is abroad doing their student exchange and writes about their experiences for the association’s magazine ProTeesi.


  • Creates content for the association’s magazine ProTeesi.

Head Photographer *

  • Leads the photographers and coordinates their projects.


  • Takes pictures at events of the association (with the association’s camera), edits the pictures if needed and uploads them onto Flickr for the members of the association.


  • Translates Finnish texts into English for different committees of the association.


  • Is responsible for managing the website of the association.
Economic committee

Appliance Responsible

  • Is responsible for the rental of the association’s PA-system and guiding the renters on how to use it correctly.

Merch Responsible

  • Designs and orders different kinds of merch (e.g. t-shirts or bags) for the members of the association.

Member of the Economic Committee *

  • Helps the Treasurer with managing and improving the association’s economic matters. 
  • Previous Treasurers are often chosen for this task.
fuksi committee

CanCan Responsible

  • Operates and coordinates the activities of the dance group CanCan of their own class throughout the fuksi year.
  • Activities include group gigs, contacts and other practical arrangements such as practice times for gigs and implementations for events.

ISO Officer *

  • Responsible for the selection and training of association’s ISOs (tutors) for both Finnish and English Bachelor fuksis. 
  • Organizes events for the association’s ISOs.
  • Collaborates with Fuksi Captains. 
  • Represents the association in AYY’s Tutor Committee (ITMK).
International Committee

Activity Coordinator

  • Develops association’s international activities and organizing events in English.

Chem Eng Officer *

  • Develops Chemical Engineering students’ activities within the association and organizing events in English.
  • Represents the association in the Aalto wide English Technology Bachelors’ Committee (ETCo) that organizes activities for the students in English technology bachelor programmes.
Event Committee

Car Driver

  • Owns a car and can help the members in need of a car or a ride if needed.

Lämmönsiirtäjä *

  • Organizes the association’s annual ball Lämmönsiirto.
  • Is in charge of coordinating the annual ball week.
  • Coordinates actions of the Annual Ball Committee.

Host/Hostess Helper

  • Helps the Host and Hostess to organize the association’s events.
  • Working in the events happens in shifts and no one works at every event.

Hot Tub Master

  • Is in charge of a hot tub including heating, upkeep, emptying and cleaning, during the events where the hot tub is used.
  • The association does not own a hot tub, so this task includes working with rented hot tubs.

Member of the Annual Ball Committee *

  • Organizes the association’s annual ball Lämmönsiirto together with other members in the committee.
  • Is in charge of smaller parts of the annual ball.

Senior Responsible

  • Is responsible for organising events and other activities for academically older students. 

Song Master *

  • Coordinates actions of song leaders and their apprentices and acts as a song leader in sitsit.
  • Represents the association in AYY’s Precentor Committee (LuTKu). 

Song Leader *

  • Leads songs at the association’s sitsit and enhances the association’s song culture.
  • Makes the song booklet for sitsit.

Song Leader Apprentice

  • Assists Song Leaders in their tasks and accumulates experience to become Song Leader. 
  • Becomes Song Leader after assisting a Song Leader five times.

Wappu Master *

  • Takes care of organising the possible Wappu Day Celebrations

Wappu Master’s Helper (has experiences at least one wappu)

  • Assists the Wappu Master in organising a possible Wappu Day celebration

Study committee


  • Leads the Abi Responsibles and organizes the abi-marketing. 
  • Ideas and implements abi-marketing together with Abi Responsibles.

Abi Responsible

  • In charge of abi-marketing (e.g. on Instagram) and updating the For Abis -section on the association’s website.

Exam Archivist

  • Uploads returned exams to the exam archive and keeps a record of the returned exams.

Member of the Study committee

  • Assists the Head of Study Affairs with halloped work, supports and helps to improve for example student representation and abimarketing.
  • Previous Heads of Study Affairs are usually chosen for this task.
Corporate relations committee

Corporate Relations Apprentice

  • Helps the Head of Corporate Relations, for example in contacting sponsors.

Excursion Master *

  • Is responsible for organizing the homeland excursion Faasimuutos and other excursions together with the Head of Corporate Relations.

TEK Contact Person

  • Communicates with TEK and represents the association along with the chair of the board in matters regarding the association. 

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