I       PT

  1. Information about events in 2022 – Updated 10.1.2022
  2. PT x TiK regular sport sessions
  3. PT Info Channel on Telegram
  4. PT’s LinkedIn group
  5. The Association’s PauseTime takes a summer break
  6. End of the Year Celebration 14.5.
  7. PT x TiK x Inkubio Teekkaricap sitsit 15.5.
  8. Save the date – Association’s summer day 23.7.
  9. Reminder about reimbursements
  10. Board meetings in 2022
  11. PT’s feedback form


  1. Study feedback
  2. Scholarships at CHEM
  3. Student counselling in period V
  4. CHEM Band


  1. A!-Pelit 15.5.
  2. Tour de Terde 2022
  3. Hanami Cocktail Picnic 17.5.
  4. Mental health promoting activities for students in 2022
  5. T150 – Teekkari Point Card
  6. Regards from Spokesperson-secretary


14.5. End of the Year Celebration
15.5. PT x TiK x Inkubio Teekkaricap sitsit
15.5. A!-Pelit

I          PT

1.       Information about events in 2022 – Updated 10.1.2022

The board of PT decided in the meeting held on 10.1. that the association will follow all regulations and recommendations of the Regional State Administrative Agency, Finnish institute for health and welfare, university and Student Union in its events.


2.       PT x TiK regular sport sessions

Pack your indoor shoes and head to the ball sports hall of Otahalli every thursday at 21-22! There you will be able to play floorball or basketball with TiK and other PT members. On the first time we’ll be playing basketball. After that, the sport will change every week between floorball and basketball.


3.       PT Info Channel on Telegram

PT now has a separate Telegram channel for official announcements and news about the association – PT Info Channel! All the most important announcements and news about the association will be posted in the channel from now on, for example about events and the summary of the weekly newsletter sent by email. The #PT-chat will remain as a chat for discussions between PT members. You can join the PT Info Channel here: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFAZzeI4birVAcfBZg.


4.       PT’s LinkedIn group

Applications for summer jobs have begun so a quick reminder that PT has their own LinkedIn site and group! LinkedIn is a great way to get contacts and network with your student colleagues. Open summer jobs from our field will be informed about in the group as well!

Link to join the group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13559286/
Link to the PT LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prosessiteekkarit-ry/


5.       The Association’s PauseTime takes a summer break

Weekly PauseTimes go for a summer break but possible occasional association hangout times will be announced separately. However, Process Room is still available for members as usual.


6.       End of the Year Celebration 14.5.

The academic year is coming to an end, many have already started their summer jobs and so now it’s time to celebrate the end of the semester! So grab your friends and join us on Saturday 14 May at 17:00 at the Otaranta Club Room to celebrate the end of a year’s hard work. There will be board games, snacks and of course the best PT company. ☺️


Psst! There will also be cake for all who finished their bachelor’s/master’s degree????????



What: End of the year celebration

When: 14.5. at 17:00

Where: Otaranta Club Room

Why: Because the academic year is coming to an end!

What does it cost: Nothing

Other: Event held in English


7.       PT x TiK x Inkubio Teekkaricap sitsit 15.5.

After Wappu, before it is time to head to the summer jobs there is still time to enjoy the festive humor and some good company! So come out to take your cap for a walk, be it shiny and new or weathered by the passage of time, at the Teekkaricap Sitsit organized together by PT, TiK and Inkubio at Servin mökki on 15.5.


There are 50 seats for members of each guild/association. Registration for the seats will start on Wednesday 4.5. at 12 and closes on Monday 9.5. at 23.55 while becoming binding.


WHAT? Teekkaricap sitsit

WHERE? Smökki

WHEN? 15.5.2022 at 17.30, gong at 18

PRICE? 13€

DC? Smart casual + teekkaricap

WHY? Never stop the madness


8.       Save the date – Association’s summer day 23.7.

The association’s summer day is celebrated on Saturday 23 July at Rantasauna. Welcome to exchange summer news and say hello to other PT members! More info about the event coming soon.


9.       Reminder about reimbursements

Reminder about reimbursements:


Documents for reimbursements of expenses from this spring must be sent by Tuesday 31.5.


Instructions: http://www.prosessiteekkarit.fi/en/invoicing/


10.    Board meetings in 2022

The board meetings are on Mondays at 8:00 and you are all welcome to follow! You can check scheduled meetings in the association’s event calendar. The meetings will be held at pHuone.


11.    PT’s feedback form

Is there something bothering you and want to change it? Has something gone exceptionally well? You can send us anonymous feedback on PT’s website or using this link.


II        CHEM

12.    Study feedback

Hi all!

We would like to remind you about the importance of study feedback! We can only react to issues concerning your studies if we are made aware of them.


If for example the assessment criteria changes during the course or you have not received your exam results within four weeks, inform the Head of Study Affairs so that they can intervene.


For any Bachelor’s level related study feedback you can contact Mariina through:

  1. Email: opintovastaava@prosessiteekkarit.fi
  2. Telegram: @mariinatikka
  3. The anonymous feedback form


For any Master’s level related study feedback you can contact the Heads of Study Affairs of the guilds:

KK: @pikkuhart or feedback form

PJK: @ilmarihieta or feedback form

VK: @Janttila or feedback form


More information about student rights can be found here.


13.    Scholarships at CHEM

Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering announces Scholarships for degree students of CHEM:
Oiva Allan Pölkkysen rahaston stipendit 2022 / Oiva Allan Pölkkynen -foundation, scholarships in 2022

Scholarship for foreign students in the School of Chemical Engineering in 2022

Teknos-Winterin rahasto, stipendit 2022 / Teknos-Winter -foundation, scholarships in 2022


14.    Student counselling in period V

If you have any questions regarding your studies or you’ll need to pick up your lab pass it’s possible to drop by during the service hours without an appointment. The Student Service Desk is located at the main lobby of the Building of Chemical Engineering (Kemistintie 1).



  • (26.4-10.5) 10-12, BSc
  • Wed:
    • (27.4-18.5) 9.30-11.30, BSc
    • (27.4-11.5) 9.30-11.30, MSc
  • Thu:
    • (28.4-19.5) 9-11, Student Exchange
  • Fri:
    • (29.4- 20.5) 10-12, BSc


CHEM Bachelor’s Programme Study Advisors:

Julia Tofferi ja Aarni Aspi, kandi-neuvojat-chem(at)aalto.fi

CHEM Master’s Programmes Study Advisor:

Melissa Hendrén, msc-advisors-chem(at)aalto.fi. TG:melissahendren

Service in Swedish:

Charlotta Livman, studieradgivare-chem(at)aalto.fi, TG: @ChalleLivman

Student Exchange:

Songwen He, kv-neuvoja-chem(at)aalto.fi, TG: @zokehe


15.    CHEM Band

The CHEM Band has now been formed, but this doesn’t mean you still can’t join!


The group was founded to provide a space for CHEM students who want to play music. The only requirements to join are:

– Membership of at least one CHEM guild/association

– Basic ability with instrument(s)

and most importantly,

– An eagerness to play and collaborate


If you’re interested, please contact @sakarisyvaniemi on TG. The first song-workshop will be held after exam week.





16.    A!-Pelit 15.5.

A!-Pelit are coming again!


How does it feel to become a hero in your college and celebrate the A!-Pelit Championship on a spring Sunday? How does it feel to have a sauna with a relentless championship trophy at championship party?


You can take these dreams one step closer by applying for A!-Pelit at your college on Sunday 15 May. 12-19 (More detailed match schedule will be announced later). This year’s sports are ultimate, elephant ball, croquet, mölkky, chess and rope pulling. When registering, tell us which species you want to represent. Basically, the whole team participates in the Ultimate and the rope pulling, but the players are divided into either elephant ball, croquet, mölkky or chess.


Registration opens 3.5. tuesday at 12:00 A.M. from this link https://ilmo.fyysikkokilta.fi/event/312


17.    Tour de Terde 2022

What is a better way to start the summer than a terrace crawl? This traditional Finnish activity is now possible with a student-friendly budget at the Tour de Terde crawl 16.5.!
The bars and cafés of Helsinki city centre are serving the hungry and thirsty students both for lunch and after work purposes, since the starting times vary between 14 and 19 pm. When the crawl ends, a mystery artist will entertain the audience at Kaivohuone!





18.    Hanami Cocktail Picnic 17.5.

Hanami (花見, “watching flowers”) is one of the Japan’s most important annual folk celebrations. Hanami occurs during the bloom of cherry trees in spring. So come and get a taste of Japanese cocktail flavors inspired by Hanami!


The cocktail picnic is organized on 17th of May at 18:00 outdoors in beautiful Roihuvuori. Price is 15 € and it includes three Hanami-style cocktails prepared by our top cocktail specialists as well as some delicious Hanami snacks! Bring your own picnic blanket if possible!


WHAT: Hanami Cocktail Picnic
WHERE: Roihuvuori (location: https://goo.gl/maps/fNuDQqWyZ6srN1PY9)
WHEN: 17th of May at 18:00
PRICE: 15 €
TICKETS: TBA in Facebook

Check out the event and more details on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/3229749603968146/



19.    Mental health promoting activities for students in 2022

Happy New Year from Nyyti!


This message contains information about upcoming online chats for students, and tools for mental wellbeing and coping in studies. Come join our chats, learn life skills online and share information about events to others, too! Nyyti is a national non-profit organisation that promotes the mental health and learning ability of all students in Finland.




MielenTEKoja-chat is available in English on Thursdays from 5 to 7 p.m. You can chat one-on-one with another university student and get peer support on any topic related to student life, mental wellbeing or study ability. The volunteer on-call counsellors are regular students trained by Nyyti. No matter how big or small your question is, you can bring it here! The chat is anonymous and free of charge.

Enter mielenTEKoja-chat here: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/projects/mielentekoja/

Share info about the chat to other English speaking students, too! Feel free to use our ready made content for IG and TikTok: click here!



Our anonymous group chats are open to all students. Chats in English are on Tuesdays at 6–8 p.m. The group chats are a place to share ideas and experiences on a variety of topics related to student life. Once a month, we chat in English.

Upcoming group chats:

Tue 17.5. Can I find my position in working life?

Tue 14.6. How can I find my strengths?

Learn more and join the group chats herehttps://www.nyyti.fi/en/for-students/chat/



Nyyti’s Learn Life Skills website provides you with information, tips and tools which can help you enhance your own wellbeing. The material covers multiple relevant topics, such as time management, study exhaustion, self-esteem and stress etc. Start practising today!

Learn Life Skills in English: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/for-students/learn-life-skills/



Read other students’ stories about living and dealing with mental health or life management difficulties. You might find out you are not alone.

Read stories here: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/stories/



You are worthy of help and support. See our list of professionals who offer students and young adults help and support in different challenging life situations.


Find help here: https://www.nyyti.fi/en/for-students/find-help/



20.    T150 – Teekkari Point Card

Re-experience the charm of the freshman year as you collect Teekkari points and find out if you can become a HyperSuperTeekkari!


In connection with the Teekkarius150 anniversary, you can complete the Teekkari Point Card, in which you can receive points from many of the already familiar recreations and T150-themed activities. Point cards are distributed at T150 events and are always advertised on Instagram and on the tg-channel. So remember to follow T150 on social media @teekkarius150 (Telegram, Instagram, Facebook).


21.    Regards from Spokesperson-secretary

Hello everybody! Summer jobs have started, and leaves are finally popping up. This can mean only one thing: summer has started. That means that this is the last weekly newsletter of the spring. All information about the events will be broadcasted to the PT Info channel so remember to join if you haven’t already. You can do it here. I try to do mini newsletters every week during May. Let’s end it with wholesome doggovideo.


Kai Karvetti
Spokesperson-secretary 2022 | Prosessiteekkarit ry
+358505723651 | tiedottajasihteeri@prosessiteekkarit.fi
School of Chemical Engineering | Aalto University

PT on social media:
Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Flickr | Telegram